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Mariel C. Kraus, B.S. OTR/L

National Board Certified and Registered

Occupational Therapist/State Licensed


Additional Specialty Certifications:

  • LSVT-Big  Certified for Parkinson's and other Neurologic movement disorders

  • Irlen Screener - Certified by the Irlen Institute International for spectral disorders due to Post-Concussion Syndrome, PTSD, and Spectrum disorders.

  • CAPS and CGA - Certified Aging in Place Specialist and Certified Graduate Associate as designated by the National Association of Home Builders

Mariel graduated from Loma Linda University in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy. She interned at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehab Center where she acquired sound neurologic assessment and treatment skills.

She also completed several Mental/Behavioral Health internships and became a mental/behavioral health specialist in Los Angeles and Ventura County.

She has worked in all treatment settings:

  • Hospital in-patient rehab; 

  • Skilled-nursing in/out-patient rehab;

  • Home Health Rehabilitation Services;

  • Community-based Mental Health Day Treatment Programs;

  • Supported Employment Services for County of Ventura helping disabled clients obtain and keep their first job;

  • Private practice where she utilizes her extensive skills to reintegrate her patients back to wholeness in body, home, and community.

Mariel is a movement disorder therapist, she treats balance, benign vestibular vertigo, and treats nerve impingement syndromes that start in the neck and affect the shoulder, arm, and hand.

Another area of treatment focus is Post-Concussion and Irlen Syndrome. Her passion is to help people who have suffered brain injuries as this greatly impacts their functional independence. Because they are often not properly assessed or treated, they end up losing jobs, failing out of school and relationships.


She has a variety of tools to rehabilitate and re-integrate her patients back to independence. Her practice extends to learning challenged students from grade 3 and up for both head trauma and familial conditions such as Irlen Syndrome.

Her treatment approach is eclectic, employing a variety of techniques such as manual therapies (hands-on), as well as electrical stimulation, ultrasound, heat/ice, low-level (cold) laser, and infra-red technology for the mitigation of pain and to remodel constricted tissue in order to optimize movement.

She has over 21 years of home accessibility experience and providing home modification consultations for Aging in Place. She is experienced in working closely with families and their contractors to help people transition from medical facilities back home safely. Community safety is also important so she also assesses for "Fitness to Drive."

Mariel is a wife and mother of an athletic high school son. In her free time, she enjoys camping and boating with her husband and son; Mountain Trail Bicycling; white-water rafting; Stand-Up Paddling; studying neurology journals and history. 

Pam Mommsen, B.S. Finance

Billing Manager

Graduated from the University of Montana

Pam has been with us since October 2016 and has over nine years of billing and coding experience.


Her BS in Finance and Economics led her to work in the banking industry for over 12 years. Her skills and experience in billing for a medical group in Alaska are a welcome match to our clinical workforce.

Pam's concern for the environment from her home to the outdoors has led her to find chemical-free solutions for cleaning her house. Because of her awareness of the toxins we use daily in our homes, she became a Norwex(R) representative and was instrumental in solving a problem for our fibromyalgia patients who were reacting to the fiberglass in their clothes from dryer sheets. 

Pam is the wife of a pilot and mother of a son and daughter in high school. 

She is well-traveled, enjoys cooking, crafts, and reading.

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